Croatian baby names

Looking for Croatian baby names? You are at the right place! Good luck finding one of the Croatian baby names.

Top 10 Croatian baby names

1 Ante boy Croatia
2 Nyura girl Croatia
3 Andro boy Croatia
4 Jadranka girl Croatia
5 Franjo boy Croatia
6 Baldo boy Croatia
7 nora girl Croatia
8 Josip boy Croatia
9 Anto boy Croatia
10 Aleksander boy Croatia

About Croatia

Croatia, officially the Republic of Croatia (Republika Hrvatska), is a country in Europe at the crossroads of the Mediterranean and Central Europe. Its capital is Zagreb. Croatia shares land borders with Slovenia and Hungary on the north, Serbia on the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina on the south and east, and Montenegro on the south, as well as a sea border with Italy to the west. It is a candidate for membership in the European Union and NATO. [source: Wikipedia]

Croatian baby names

In search for Croatian baby names most people become interested in the meaning and origin of their own name. Is this name also one of the Croatian baby names or is it from another country? All the Croatian baby names also have a meanings here.